Thursday, June 18, 2020

Social Media world is FAKE

Social media, where one can say anything to anyone. One is not bothered if their words inspire or hurt the other. Where love is faked and jealous is at peak. People are liked if they suffer and not if they are happy. Heartless world it has become. Judged on the pictures that are posted. Limits are crossed on comment boxes. Politics plays a lot in minds. Bonds are destroyed. Lust is found more than love. Friendships are on give and take policy. Huhhhh is this why social media is created??? 

Even if one leave the media be it facebook or whatsapp group, they take it as insult. May be the person wants a break from the gossips, tired from the fake bond. Let them take a break and live their Life. Whats the big deal! With this lockdown, seems only social media is the world. Everyone has their own life, their battles, their joy, their passion. 

Facebook is a place just to get likes, comments. But people are smart enough. Many only watch and never respond. Its complete entertainment channel like Netflix. None actually praises nor appreciates a true artist esp when known to them. Strangers posts are shared and appreciated. Why that much of EGO... 

Whatsapp .. another hell. There comes a group then sub group and sub sub group. And its full of forwarding posts and bitching. True bond is lost in all these things. 

Twitter.. is a garbage. Where people use filthy language and drag other to the worst possible place. So much of negativity.

Instagram.. posting pictures. Haaahhh everyone is a photographer now. so everyone enjoys!!

The main purpose of social media somewhere got lost. Connecting People..!

People are left confused and mad at each other now. Do anything, you are blamed for nothing. 

Oh God!! Give a break!! Set the mind and world back to No Media times! We were much connected then than now! 

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